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Total miles:
06 Sep. 08 Flight to Denver
07 Sep. 08 Georgetown, Rifle Falls State Park
08 Sep. 08 Rattlesnake Arches, Colorado NM
09 Sep. 08 Onion Creek, Arches NP (Tower Arch, Landscape Arch, Windows Section)
10 Sep. 08 Secret Spire, Canyonlands Island in the Sky (False Kiva, Upheaval
Dome), Gemini Bridges
11 Sep. 08 Arches NP (Fiery Furnace, Eye of the Whale Arch), Sand Flats Road
La Sal Mountains
12 Sep. 08 Dinosaur Tracks, San Rafael Swell, Crystal Geyser
13 Sep. 08 Five Hole Arch, Strike Valley Overlook
14 Sep. 08 Big Horn Canyon
15 Sep. 08 HIRR: Zebra + Tunnel Slot, Sunset + Moonrise Arch, Devil’s Garden
16 Sep. 08 Covered Wagon Natural Bridge & Cedar Wash Arch, Willis Creek,
Kodachrome Basin S.P.
17 Sep. 08 Red Top and Yellow Rock
18 Sep. 08 The Wave, Stud Horse Point
19 Sep. 08 Sidestep Canyon & Rainbow Valley, White Pocket
20 Sep. 08 Coyote Buttes South, Alstrom Point
21 Sep. 08 Eggshell Arch, White Mesa Arch, Coal Mine Canyon, Blue Canyon
22 Sep. 08 Mesa Verde, Million Dollar Highway
23 Sep. 08 Animas Forks Ghost Town, Yankee Girl Mine, Last Dollar Road
24 Sep. 08 Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Royal Gorge Bridge
25 Sep. 08 Garden of the Gods, Pikes Peak, Calhan Paint Mines
26 Sep. 08 Air Force Academy, Return flight from Denver